
Friday, 13 April 2012

Change display name of sharepoint user

You can use below powershell command to change sharepoint user display name.

Set-SPuser -identity "User name" -DisplayName "Display Name" -web Web url

Note: for AD user username would be like domain name\username. For FBA user it would be like i:0#.f|providername|username (You can get the exact username from My Settings page.

In case you get access denied while changing the display name, run powershell as administrator/Farm admin. You can get this option by pressing shift key then right click on Sharepoint powershell management console icon.


  1. Not working for me.Still showing the user's old name.

  2. works.

    First try without "domain\" did not work for me too. Use "domain\user" as "User Name".


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